Tamás Dénes: A tó

Tamás Dénes: A tó. [The Lake] Târgu Mureș, Lector Publishers, 2023.

Category: fiction
Pages: 148
Cover: paperback
ISBN 978-606-8957-48-7

Born in 1975 in the village of Réty near Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania. He is currently a professor at the Communication Department of Sapientia University in Miercurea Ciuc. His essays, prose and reviews are regularly published in the Hungarian literary press. he authored the following volumes: Honfoglaló esszék, 2013; Minden Egész, 2016; Az élő ház, 2019; Rémegyszerű versek, 2020; Könyvjelzők, 2020.

The main character of Dénes Tamás’ book is a mountain lake. Protagonists are only found in novels and films, but the wandering narrator does not want to tell a story, but to put his experience of the landscape into words. He wants to do with words what landscape painters do with their brushes. He approaches the lake, the mountain, the rocks, the trees and the bushes, the clouds and the air with words, like Cézanne. Dénes Tamás attempted the impossible when he tried to recreate the sensory complexity of the landscape experience and the accompanying cerebral sparks in a written work. The experiment succeeded: a great ‘painting’ appears before the reader, the landscape – in other words, the four elements – becomes a powerful actor.