Láng Orsolya: Ház, délután


 Orsolya Láng: Ház, délután [A House in the Afternoon]. Budapest –Prae Kiadó – Lector Publishers, 2024.

Category: poetry
Pages: 92
Cover: paperback
ISBN: 978-615-6675-16-3; 978-606-8957-50-0;

 Orsolya Láng (born 1987, Satu Mare, Romania) is a writer, poet, visual artist, and film director. She was born in 1987, grew up in Transylvania. In 2017 she received her master’s degree in Animation from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest. Currently, she is a doctoral student there. She won the Grand Prix at KAFF in 2019 with her graduation film Off Season. In 2022, she received the Junior Szépíró Literary Award. She won the László Bertók Literary Award for young authors in 2023. She is the author of five books: Tejszobor [Milk Sculpture] (prose, 2015), Bordaköz [Intercostal] (poems, 2016), Pályamatricák [Freeway Stickers] (travelogues, 2020), Személyes okok [Personal Reasons] (poems, 2021), Ház, délután [A House in the Afternoon] (poems, 2024). She also illustrates books.

 Reading Orsolya Láng’s latest book feels like entering a space of calm, a time of slow, afternoon moments. These works create a space and a poetic language for observations, appearing denser, more compact, and more elaborate than the poems in Personal Reasons (2021). Her ability to see the essence in sights and phenomena and show it, has so far been most evident in the author’s prose and drawings, but the poems in A House in the Afternoon are able to convey the same vision with sensitivity and sophistication. The volume’s material is not arranged in cycles, and there is no need for this, because we encounter a very unified, elaborated, but not at all monolithic poetic world, without the imposition of additional compositional meaning. The works are in subtle dialogue with each other.