Hézser Gábor: Újra szárnyra kapni


Hézser Gábor: Újra szárnyra kapni. (Taking Wings Again. Interviews and readings on crisis and its aid. Interviews by Emőke Mihály.)

2nd edition. Târgu Mureş, 2014.

Category: psychology, religion
Language: Hungarian
Pages: 176
Cover: paperback
ISBN 978-606-93437-3-9








Hézser Gábor: Újra szárnyra kapni. (Taking Wings Again. Interviews and readings on crisis and its aid.

Interviews by Emőke Mihály.)

1st edition. Târgu Mureş, 2013. 

Category: psychology, religion
Language: Hungarian
Pages: 104
Cover: paperback
ISBN 978-606-93437-1-5

Edited by Emőke Mihály, this volume of interviews and lectures focuses on crisis and the scope for help. It is exciting to follow the path of live interviews and discover the original way the author talks about fashionable topics like teenage rebellion, job burnout, the differences between man and woman, body and soul healthcare, depression, suicide, community and medical help. The author’s professionalism combined with a great deal of wisdom and empathy, makes this book exciting and easy to digest